The Nauru Empire Conquers The World! Territory Games io - Territorial IO -

The Nauru Empire Conquers The World! Territory Games io – Territorial IO

CG Plays
Views: 7966
Like: 259
Territorial IO gameplay with CG! Let’s play Territorial IO and check out a battle royale game where you try to defeat your enemies and take all the territory.

Territorial IO:

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#TerritorialIO #CGPlays


  1. New update!!
    Update have: new map

  2. voice is relaxing and commentary is great, music is too loud and i think a tiny bit too fast paced sometimes

  3. Fact: boats with 200+ troops last longer then ones with a million.

  4. This guy really puts out so many videos, his grind is unbelievable

  5. ConstantCargo and KFK did the classic 'hyper focus on grabbing all the islands in australia, then I look back up at my mainland and see that someone owns all of it'


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